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OIC 1SG W. Bower
Superior Unit Battalion Headquarters
Reporting Units N/A
Esprit De Corps
Unit Motto "Rangers Lead the Way!"

Reserve duty supplement the unit with members who act as fill-ins to events and are NOT required or expected to submit Leave of Absences (LOA) or Temporary Pass Requests (TPR). As long as reserve duty members make en effort to participate in operations, trainings and Discord server chat they will not be removed from the Reserve Platoon. If we do not hear anything from a member in reserve for 30 or more days, they can be discharged*.

Members who have donated with the to the unit have the 'Donator' tag on Discord and TeamSpeak, and are eligible for Permanent Reserve Platoon. They may stay in the Reserve Platoon indefinitely and do not need to participate in any way. They retain their rank and qualifications while in reserve. If they opt to slot back to active duty, their rank may be subject to adjustment for that billet. This is the unit's way of rewarding long standing members and donators by letting them keep access to channels and the ability to participate when they choose.

Reserve duty members in the reserve do not have priority for additional billet selection such as 68W Combat Medic or 13F Fire Support Specialist. Reserve duty members fill-in where needed and are not assigned to a squad or platoon on a regular basis. Military Occupation Specialties not capable of being in the Reserve Platoon are as follows: 11A Infantry Officer, 15A Aviation Officer, 35A Intelligence Officer, and 11Z Infantry Senior Sergeant. They are unable to be promoted past Private First Class while in the reserve, and their Time in Grade is halted for every rank after Private First Class.

After an exceptional amount of dedication and Time in Grade acclimation, Reserve duty soldiers can be administratively promoted, if they have not reached the maximum rank for their MOS. This is done on a case by case basis. Reserve duty has other limitations for schools, qualifications and events where slot priority goes to active duty members. With most new members they opt to slot as active duty and under different circumstances related to attendance choose to swap to reserve duty later on. On PERSCOM 'Reserve Duty' is noted in blue. Members who fail to meet the minimum requirements standard will be discharged and able to join back after a 30 day probation. Swapping from active to reserve duty is done through the website under the operations center.

For organizational purposes the Officer in Charge (OIC) of the Reserve Platoon is normally double billeted by the Company XO, 1SG or another SNCO within the Company. This position is also a Staff Section position under S-1 Personnel, called Retention Chief. The Reserve Platoon reports to Battalion Headquarters and supplies reservists to both Alpha and Hotel Company. The highest rank authorized for anyone within the Reserve Platoon with Reserve Status is E-6 Staff Sergeant or W-3 Chief Warrant Officer 3. Commissioned Officers, candidates of any kind, and soldiers who have not finished Entry Level Training (ELT) may not be placed in the Reserves.

Element and Allowed Statues

An overview of the elements and units within the 2nd Ranger Battalion and the statuses that support assignment to them.

Element Status
2nd Ranger Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment Active Duty
Alpha Company, 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment Active Duty
Hotel Company, 4th Battalion, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment Active Duty
Training Platoon, 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment Active Duty
Transfer Platoon, 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment Active Duty
Reserve Platoon, 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment Reserve Duty

Order of Battle

Reserves consists of 1 Platoon and a Headquarters.

Element Callsign Echelon Role Abbreviation Approved Strength
Reserve Headquarters (non-combat) N/A Headquarters Headquarters and Administration N/A 1 Soldier
Reserve Platoon N/A Platoon All soldiers assigned to the Reserve Platoon N/A Variable